Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just a News Update

Hello, my beloved KatyCats!
     So, I've found that I am actually running out of Katy Perry songs to write about. Shocking, I know. So I decided to just try and find a little news on her and other than her relationship with John Mayer (gag), there really isn't much these days. I am considering creating another blog just about music and artists that I like- rather than just Katy.
     What I found when I went searching was that ex-husband Russell Brand is working on a "tell-all" book about their 14 month marriage. I think it will be interesting to hear his side of this story because from her side, it seems like he wasn't putting much effort into their relationship while she was on her California Dreams tour. He says that he "can't leave out that big chink of his life." It will also include more information about his sex and drug addictions. As I said, it should be...interesting.
     In other news, Katy's cat Monkey turned three. She posted a picture of some cat nip for him as a birthday present, saying it's 21 in cat years. She isn't the only one to share those kinds of pictures, either.
     The most recent bit of news about Katy is that she went to a music showcase to support her brother David Hudson, going by the stage name of Hudson. He performed his new single, "Chained". Seems she isn't the only one in the family with musical talent!
     That's basically it. As I said, there isn't much news on her lately and I refuse to write any further about her relationship with John Mayer because of my burning hatred for it. If you don't already know about that you can click here to go to that post and read all about it.
     If I do end up creating a music blog, I will carry over my remaining Katy songs to that blog, as well as post them here (most likely). So those of you who would rather just read on Katy can do so.

Love you, KatyCats!
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat



  1. But where will I get my Katy news if you do?

    1. Don't worry, Mr. Elkin! As I said, I will post more about Katy on my other blog or I may keep both up and running and you can come here for Katy news and my other blog for other artists (and possibly still Katy) that I like that you will know more about from reading that blog. I am actually creating the other blog tonight and you will be able to get to it from my profile but I will also send you the URL in an email. But thank you for having concern about the future of KatyCats Korner. But it isn't going anywhere :)
