What is it you're looking at, here? Yes, it is a very very young Katy. I decided to do a little history lesson today on what it was like for Katy growing up. I learned a lot of this from the "Part of Me" movie. I'm telling you- it's a great movie and I advise all to watch it. So, let's start!
Katy was raised in a 100% pentecostal Christian environment. She was the daughter of two pastors and therefore was incorporated into their ministry. She sang in churches (that's where she got her start) from the ages of nine and seventeen. She was allowed to listen to strictly gospel music. She relied on her friends as a teenager for cd's of "secular music" as her mother called it. She was very very sheltered. She said in her movie "Growing up in our house consisted of a lot of church activities and hanging out with a lot of church kids." Katy has said also that she "didn't have a childhood." She wasn't allowed to read any books besides the Bible and God-related books. She wasn't allowed to even say "deviled eggs" or "Dirt Devil" as a kid.
There are a lot of rumors to this day that her parents have "disowned her" or something crazy like that. These things are simply not true. Katy has a great relationship with her parents and the love each other. Katy has said this of her relationship with them "I think sometimes when children grow up, their parents grow up. Mine grew up with me. We coexist. I don’t try to change them anymore, and I don’t think they try to change me. We agree to disagree. They’re excited about [my success]. They’re happy that things are going well for their three children and that they’re not on drugs. Or in prison." I think it's awesome that though Katy has found her own path in life, they have found a way to coexist. In Vanity Fair magazine, she said this, which I think shows a lot about what she learned about who she is from her experiences as a child:
“I come from a very non-accepting family, but I’m very accepting,” Perry says of her religious beliefs as an adult. “Russell is into Hinduism, and I’m not [really] involved in it. He meditates in the morning and the evening; I’m starting to do it more because it really centers me. [But] I just let him be him, and he lets me be me.” Perry says she didn’t stick with the mold growing up. “I have always been the kid who’s asked ‘Why?’ In my faith, you’re just supposed to have faith. But I was always like…why?” she says. “At this point, I’m just kind of a drifter. I’m open to possibility…. My sponge is so big and wide and I’m soaking everything up and my mind has been radically expanded. Just being around different cultures and people and their opinions and perspectives. Just looking into the sky.”Now as far as music goes, Katy did start singing from the time she COULD sing, but got serious about it at the age of 9. She was copycatting her older sister, Angela. Angela would sing along to cassette tapes and whenever she wasn't around, Katy would steal them and practice them. She'd put on performances for her parents. That's when they decided to put her into vocal lessons. She continued on until 16.
And that is where I will leave you for the night, KatyCats. On Thursday I will go a little more into her later teenage years and into her developing career.
Love you all, KatyCats!
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat
Great Post!