Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's All About the Music

Hey My KatyCats,
     So I know I said I was thinking about doing this on tuesday, but now I have actually gone and done it. I created a music blog! It's going to have a wide variety of artists that I like and want to teach the world about.
     Don't worry, KatyCats Korner will still be up and running but I won't be posting on here nearly as often. And you'll probably be able to get Katy info as well as learn about her remaining released songs on my other blog if I don't post them here.
     I hope this isn't too disappointing for anyone. I feel that I am simply running out of material here and need to expand my musical writings to some of the other artists that I love.
     I hope you all check it out as I will be posting on it for the first time tonight. You can click here to go straight to it if you like.
Love you all,
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat

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