Thursday, November 8, 2012

Shut Up and Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Hey KatyCats!
    So, this was one of Katy's biggest songs on the "One of the Boys" album and it's called "Waking up in Vegas." I remember that in about the 6th grade, this was one of my favorite songs. I remember even making up a dance to it. It wasn't very good, but it was still a lot of fun because this song is a lot of fun.
   This song doesn't really have a deep meaning, it's kind of all on the surface so I think I'll tell the story of the song, along with my favorite parts of it and talk about the music video and such. As per usual I will give you the link to the lyrics here. So, basically this is a song about a couple who goes to Vegas and parties and gambles. Personally I think that the chorus where she says "remember what you told me" and goes into the "Shut up and put your money where your mouth is, that's what you get for waking up in Vegas, get up and shake the glitter off your clothes now, that's what you get for waking up in Vegas" is about the fact that she started winning more money than he did and he got jealous and she is telling him to suck it up. But that's just my way of making the story more entertaining. Anyway, later in the song when she says "get me some cash out, baby" I think it's talking about her then losing a ton of money and they realize that they are broke. Ouch, that's gotta hurt. That's just my own personal interpretation, though. As for the inspiration for the song, Katy has said:
"Vegas gives me that 'what-the-f...' feeling. It's really close to LA so one night you could be having a beer with your friends and, when you wake up, you're in Vegas."

Katy has said that the song even has real-life inspiration. In an interview with, she revealed that she and her boyfriend of the time "decided to get fake married". She stated:

"I was 21. We took all the pictures with the minister, with the fake cake, in the fake chapel and got a fake marriage certificate. We went and bought a wedding dress and a suit at a thrift store, and scanned the pictures and the certificate to my family members, my manager at the time [and] totally freaked the crap out of them. It was the most hilarious, stupid prank I've ever pulled, I still have the wedding dress and the certificate."
She then  added that the song is not about apologizing: 
"[It's] basically a song about getting into trouble with your best friend or your boyfriend or your girlfriend - or whoever you're with - and not having any 'I'm sorry for what I did'."
    The song is fun and it has fun inspiration. But now, on to the video! This is probably one of the most entertaining, glitzy, bright videos I have seen. It really captures the glamorous side of Las Vegas, which makes sense because it was actually shot in Las Vegas.. It starts out with Katy and her boyfriend (I think he's her boyfriend in the video) standing in front of a slot machine. They pull the lever and three "blazing 7's" come up and the jackpot is deposited in quarters. It then goes into a flashback of the night before, where it shows the two winning at roulette. Then they head to a hotel and kick out Penn and Teller (famous magicians, if you didn't know). It then shows them playing various card games and racking up their winnings into the millions. They enjoy living the rich life. Katy drives a Lamborghini Murciélago and at the height of their Vegas fame, they are shown riding in chariots, dressed in show costumes (Katy's is above) down Fremont street accompanied by fire-breathers and an elephant. Then, Katy and the guy kiss in a money booth and things start to change. Their luck totally turns around. They start arguing, losing, and are even kicked out of their hotel room by Penn and Teller. The one thing they keep is a single coin. Then the video returns to the laundromat where Katy was at the beginning of the video. They pull the switch and win the jackpot and they look astonishingly at each other. It's a really fun video. You can see it on my videos page and I really recommend this one.
     Well, KatyCats, I know in the last couple posts that I haven't really had a very deep thought to leave you with. This is another one of those posts. I guess my message here, is to "Shut up and put your money where your mouth is" if you ever wake up broke and fake married in Vegas. Also, don't forget to shake the glitter off your clothes!
Love you all,
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat


  1. Nice blog! Very informative and the layout is puuuuurfect ;)

    1. Thanks Robyn! That means a lot to me...I work really hard on this blog and it's a lot of fun! :)
