Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Katy, our "Pearl"

Hello, KatyCats!
    So, I have felt for a while like doing a little inspirational piece so I decided to do another "not-that-well-known" Katy song, "Pearl". Pearl is one of my favorite songs on the "Teenage Dream"album, actually. It's so empowering to any girl out there who has ever felt like she was being held back by someone else. I encourage you to, as you read this, click on this link to look at the lyrics.
    I think that what Katy wants us to get from this song is that we are ALL pearls. We each have a light inside of us that we cannot be let put out by anyone else. We need to let our true selves shine. And it's not okay when someone else doesn't let that happen and often it's out of fear. That's what the lines "But he's scared of the light that's inside of her, so he keeps her in the dark" are explaining. It's specifically talking about a relationship here. When you are inside of a relationship where the other person is trying to keep you down, like the song says, there is a way out. You simply have to be strong enough to get out. I read a quote once saying, "It he's stupid enough to let you go, be smart enough to walk away." That's a part of what this song is saying to us. We have to set OURSELVES free because nobody else is going to do it for us. We are an unstoppable force, each and every one of us. Each of us is unique, and each of us can be whoever and whatever we want to be. We simply have to realize that and put out minds to it.
    I think another part of this is that Katy really does know where we have been. She has been in the exact same place she is describing this girl (representing each of us) is. She said in the song, " 'Cause I used to be a shell, Yeah, I let him rule my world, my world, ohh, yeah. But I woke up and grew strong, And I can still go on, And no one can take my pearl." and it's true. Katy is a pearl and I think that we should all aspire to be more like her. We can't let anyone take our pearls.
    So, if you are out there reading this right now, please realize that you are a pearl, and that no one else gets to rule your world but you. I want you to realize that you are a pyramid, a hurricane, an avalanche, a pearl. And I want you to realize that you aren't stuck there. I want you to see that there IS a way out. All of us, are pearls. So it's time that we start shining like them.

Much love, my pearls, my KatyCats,
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat

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