Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's Supernatural...Extraterrestrial

Hey KatyCats!
    So, this time I decided to do another love song, though this one is a bit...different. Today I'm going to be writing all about "E.T.". I absolutely love this song with its awesome futuristic sound and heavy beat. I think that it adds a really nice electronic touch to the "Teenage Dream" album. Though she has her very popular remix that features Kanye West, I prefer the original so that's what I am going to write about.
    These lyrics -link here- are really pretty straightforward, but the whole alien idea is just a metaphor. Sorry, Katy isn't hooking up with an alien here. She's talking about loving someone who is just different from everyone else. She is totally in love with a man who is completely different from every other guy she has ever been with before. It may not be on the outside (maybe it is) it could be in the way he treats her, makes her feel, or his personality could just be totally different. It's about falling for someone so hard that you don't care what other people say or think (from the lyrics "They say be afraid
You're not like the others, futuristic lover") they might be just scared because he is different-scared for her, scared she will get her heart broken. But in the end it's true love and nothing else matters. And I think it's about loving this person because they are different; about accepting and loving them for who they are.
    In Katy's inspiration, she has stated about the "Teenage Dream" album that she wanted to create "a different movie" for every song (which I think she accomplished quite well) and this was totally the sci-fi movie.Katy has said that the song is about "falling in love with a foreigner" but as I explained above, I think it has a little deeper meaning than that. E.T. actually came about as an accident. Its beats were accidentally played for her during a recording session and she knew instantly she wanted to do it.In an interview with MTV about it she said
"I heard it and I always knew I wanted to write this futuristic, alienistic song, and they pulled it up and I was like, 'Wait, I can wrap my head around this. I know this seems like a long shot, but I think I have the perfect material to put on top of this sound.' And I did, and it really worked out perfectly."
And thus, E.T. was born. Isn't it great that it was? I mean, especially considering that in 2011 it was the 4th most played song on the radio in the U.S. with 526,000 plays.
    So, personally KatyCats, I think a lot of people can relate to this song. It's about that one person who you can't get off your mind. That one person who is different from all the others. I think you know who I'm talking about.So, KatyCats, go find your extraterrestrial and when you do- never let E.T. go home. Don't let anyone else scare you out of getting to know him/her either because different isn't always bad. In fact, sometimes different is the absolute best.

Love to all KatyCats,
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat

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