Thursday, December 6, 2012

I'm not gonna stay and watch you "Circle the Drain"

Hey KatyCats!
    Well, today I write about a more serious Katy song. Serious you say? How serious could a Katy Perry song really be? Well, I'll show you exactly how serious it could be when talking about her song from the "Teenage Dream" album, "Circle the Drain". This song shows a kind of edgier side to Katy, I think. She's a little pissed off in this song and it's a really interesting thing to see.
    This song is all about an ex of Katy's and what their relationship was like prior to their split though I think it was probably around the time they broke up. Lyrics can be found here. So basically, this song is really straightforward. This ex of hers was a major drug user. The drugs became way more important to this guy than she was. It talks about how she wants to be there for him as a girlfriend, and not as someone who has to take care of him when he's too messed up and high and drunk to take care of himself. So she decides not to put up with it anymore and she's "not gonna stay and watch you circle the drain". She doesn't want to see him throw his life away, so she leaves. It's about the strains that the drug use puts on their relationship.
     As for the song's inspiration, it was based off of Katy's relationship (once again) with Gym Class Heroes singer, Travie McCoy. It seems she wrote a lot of her songs about him. And I can see why most of them are negative. When asked about this song when it first came out, Travie hadn't heard the song but said this in an interview:
"I heard she put out a song that's about me, or about some old habits or whatever. [And] I look at it like this: I'm just stoked that she finally has a song with some substance on her record. Good job."
Let me just say, he doesn't sound like such a great guy and Katy is WAY better off now. Yes, they broke up a while ago, but I'm saying that after they broke up, I think her career started to boom. See, Travie was exactly what Katy has said about him. A "Hot N Cold" drug addict who was "Circling the Drain". He has actually been addicted to pharmaceuticals since he was a teenager.She actually broke up with him over email. I have to say, I think that's kinda lame. About that, he said:
Speaking of their break up, McCoy admitted it “destroyed” him, with Katy ending it reportedly via email. He explained: "It started off with 'I love you so much I hate to do this...'” “Someone that you are ready to spend the rest of your life with sends you a f**king email just s**ting on your whole parade. It destroyed me."

But it also turns out that Travie wrote a song about Katy! I just found this out actually. It's not slamming her in any way, he said so in an interview. The song is called "Need You". He's said this about the song:
"But it's not a stab in any way," says McCoy. "And I haven't been sitting around for a year waiting for her to call me. She's moved on and I'm doing my thing." "Its about how tough it is to move on and explain to someone that you're bruised and not really ready to pursue something,"
Personally, I think they are both better off without each other. He wasn't good for her and I think he just needs...someone else.
    I think that "Circle the Drain" actually does have a message to it if you can think about it like this: if you know that someone you're with isn't good for you, then you shouldn't be with them. No matter how much you may love them, no matter how much you don't want to hurt them, no matter how much you think you can change them-you probably can't. Only they can change themselves; only they can make that decision. And if they really love you and want to be with you, they will make that decision to keep from losing you. But you have to make them choose. You can't just sit by and spend the rest of your life taking care of someone who is throwing theirs away. Don't just sit there and watch them circle the drain.
With Love, KatyCats,
-Autumn the Purrfect KatyCat
P.S. I'm posting the videos for the songs "Circle the Drain" and Travie's song, "Need You"

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